Kiki's 14 Hot Homeware Trends of 2023

As we step into 2023, New Zealand's homeware scene is evolving with vibrant creativity and innovative design trends. From textiles and patterns to bright bold hues, lamps and lighting, maximalism, organic curves, ceramics, plants, wallpapers, and more, Kiwis are redefining their living spaces with style and personality. Let's delve into these exciting trends that are shaping the Kiwi homescape.


1. Textiles and Patterns: A Fusion of Style and Comfort

Sustainable Textiles

New Zealanders are increasingly embracing sustainable textiles in their homes. Organic cotton, hemp, and recycled fabrics are gaining popularity for their eco-friendliness and luxurious comfort. These textiles offer a guilt-free way to enhance your living spaces.

Bold Patterns and Unique Textures

Patterns are making a strong comeback in Kiwi homes. From intricate geometrics to nature-inspired prints, bold patterns and unique textures are adorning upholstery, drapery, and cushions. Mixing and matching patterns add depth and character to interiors.

2. Bright and Bold Hues: Injecting Vibrant Personality

The Power of Color Psychology

Colors have the ability to influence moods and emotions. New Zealanders are opting for bright and bold hues to infuse energy and personality into their spaces. Reds, blues, yellows, and greens are used strategically to create dynamic atmospheres.

Mixing and Matching Hues

Monochromatic spaces are giving way to vibrant combinations. Kiwis are confidently experimenting with contrasting colors, creating visually stimulating and harmonious interiors. The art of mixing and matching hues is a hallmark of this trend.

3.  Lamps and Lighting: Illuminating Aesthetic

Statement Lighting Fixtures

Lighting is not just functional; it's a form of art in itself. Eye-catching chandeliers, pendants, and floor lamps are being used as statement pieces, adding drama and sophistication to living spaces.

Balancing Natural and Artificial Light

New Zealand's natural beauty is celebrated indoors as well. Large windows, skylights, and open floor plans maximize natural light, while carefully chosen artificial lighting complements the overall aesthetic.

4.Maximalism: Embracing Abundance + Eclecticism

Layered Decor and Personal Expression

Minimalism is taking a back seat as maximalism gains ground. Kiwis are layering decor, blending textures, and incorporating an eclectic mix of styles. Personal expression through decor is the essence of this trend.

Balancing the Fine Line

While maximalism encourages abundance, it's essential to strike a balance to avoid overwhelming spaces. Each piece should contribute to the overall aesthetic, creating an inviting and harmonious atmosphere.

5. Organic Curves: Softening Edges and Lines

Curved Furniture and Accessories

Organic curves are replacing sharp edges and lines in furniture and decor. Rounded sofas, chairs, and accessories soften the look of interiors, creating a more inviting and comfortable feel.

Incorporating Organic Elements

Natural elements like wood and stone are being integrated into interiors, further enhancing the organic ambiance. These elements add warmth and character to living spaces.

6. Ceramics: Functional Artistry

Handcrafted Pottery

Handcrafted ceramics are in the spotlight, both for their functionality and artistic value. Kiwi artisans are creating unique pottery pieces, from dinnerware to vases, that showcase craftsmanship and creativity.

Ceramics as Decorative Pieces

Ceramics are not limited to practical use. They serve as decorative pieces, adding a touch of artistry to shelves, tables, and walls. Each piece tells a story and adds character to the home.

7. Plants: Bringing Nature Indoors

Indoor Greenery Trends

Kiwis are keen on bringing nature indoors. Houseplants, in all shapes and sizes, are becoming integral to home decor. They not only purify the air but also bring a refreshing touch of greenery.

Plant Care and Placement

Proper care and strategic placement of plants are essential. Kiwis are becoming experts at selecting the right plants for their indoor spaces and arranging them to maximize their impact.

8. Wallpapers: Expressive Wall Statements

Artistic Wallpapers and Murals

Wallpapers are experiencing a revival with artistic patterns and murals. They serve as striking accent walls that become conversation starters in rooms.

Versatile Peel-and-Stick Options

The convenience of peel-and-stick wallpapers is undeniable. Kiwis appreciate the ease of application and removal, allowing them to experiment with various designs.

9. Sustainability: A Growing Concern

Eco-Friendly Homeware Choices

Sustainability is a top priority in New Zealand. Homeowners are making eco-conscious choices in furniture, lighting, and decor materials. Products made from recycled or sustainable sources are preferred.

Supporting Local Artisans

The trend also extends to supporting local artisans and craftsmen. Unique, handcrafted homeware items crafted by local talent are gaining recognition and demand.

10. Mixing Styles: Uniting the Past and Present

Blending Tradition with Modernity

Kiwi homes are a blend of tradition and modernity. Elements from different eras are combined to create a unique and harmonious aesthetic that reflects personal tastes.

Creating a Personal Aesthetic

Homeware is a means of self-expression. New Zealanders are encouraged to mix and match styles, curating a personal aesthetic that resonates with their unique identity.

11. Storage Solutions: Aesthetic and Functional

Innovative Organizational Trends

Efficient storage solutions that seamlessly blend with the decor are a must. Furniture with concealed 

storage, modular shelving, and multifunctional pieces are gaining popularity for their aesthetic and functional value.

Concealed Storage for a Clean Look

The desire for clutter-free living spaces has led to a demand for concealed storage options. Furniture and shelving with hidden compartments keep rooms looking tidy while providing ample space for essentials.

12. Outdoor Living: Expanding Comfort Beyond Walls

Alfresco Dining and Relaxation

New Zealanders are taking advantage of their stunning landscapes by creating inviting outdoor living spaces. Alfresco dining areas, complete with comfortable seating and dining sets, offer the perfect setting to enjoy nature.

Weather-Resistant Outdoor Furnishings

Given New Zealand's ever-changing weather, weather-resistant outdoor furniture is essential. Durable materials that can withstand the elements ensure that outdoor spaces remain functional year-round.

13. Art and Photography: Personalized Decor

Showcasing Personal Collections

Art and photography are more than just wall decor; they're personal expressions of one's life and interests. Kiwis are proudly showcasing their personal collections throughout their homes.

Customized Art Pieces

For those seeking exclusive decor, customized art pieces are becoming increasingly popular. Collaborations with local artists result in unique artworks that perfectly complement individual spaces.

14. Practical Tips for Embracing the Trends

Budget-Friendly Ideas

Redesigning your home need not be expensive. Kiwis are finding budget-friendly ways to incorporate these trends, from thrift shopping for unique pieces to embarking on creative DIY projects.

Avoiding Overcrowding

While maximalism encourages abundance, it's important to avoid overcrowding. Each piece should have a purpose and contribute to the overall harmony of the space. Keep the balance between abundance and aesthetics.


In 2023, New Zealand's homeware trends are a testament to creativity, individuality, and a growing concern for sustainability. From sustainable textiles to bold hues, maximalism, ceramics, and outdoor living, Kiwis are making their homes truly unique and expressive. These trends encourage personalization, creating spaces that reflect not only the latest in design but also the personality and passions of their inhabitants.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Where can I find sustainable textiles in New Zealand?

  • You can find sustainable textiles in New Zealand at eco-conscious stores, boutiques, and online retailers that specialize in eco-friendly homeware.

2. How can I effectively mix and match bright and bold hues in my home decor?

  • To mix and match hues effectively, consider the color wheel and complementary color schemes. Experiment with accent pieces, such as throw pillows and artwork, to create a harmonious yet vibrant look.

3. What are some tips for maintaining indoor houseplants in New Zealand's climate?

  • Ensure your indoor plants receive adequate sunlight and water, and consider the specific climate conditions of your region. Research the care requirements for each plant species to keep them healthy.

4. Where can I find handcrafted ceramics in New Zealand?

  • You can find handcrafted ceramics in local artisan markets, pottery studios, and craft fairs. Many talented Kiwi artisans showcase their work in these venues.

5. How can I create a clutter-free living space with concealed storage?

  • Look for furniture pieces with built-in storage compartments, such as ottomans with hidden storage or coffee tables with drawers. Modular shelving units can also help keep belongings organized and out of sight.

6. What's the key to balancing maximalism without overwhelming a room?

  • To strike a balance with maximalism, curate your decor intentionally. Choose pieces that hold personal significance and contribute positively to the room's overall ambiance. Avoid overcrowding by considering each item's visual impact.

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